There was no PDP-8/V made by Digital. So I am making one myself, Out Of Electron Valves. page

The plan is there will be approx 320 tubes, specifically 6J6A. As of May 24, 2023, there is one board completed, the sequencer that contains the state flip-flops plus an instruction register latch (just the top four bits), and all the instruction decoding logic. That board uses 80 tubes, which is 160 gates. The tubes just do the inverting, the logic is done by crystal rectifiers. It runs at 28k cps.

Each tube has 2 triodes. A single triode is required to make an AND-OR-INVERT gate. Three tubes (6 triodes) are required to make a D flipflop (ahem, edge-triggered, bi-stable multivibrator). Two tubes (4 triodes) are needed to make a latch.

The tubes are just the processor. For memory and I/O, I use a Raspberry PI. Transistors are used to do the level conversion between the RasPI and the tubes and to drive the LEDs. At some point, I might change the front panel to neons or incandescents with tube drivers, but LEDs will do for now.

When all the boards are done, it will run slower than 28k cps as there will be more circuitry for the bits to work their way through (27 levels of logic for the full processor as opposed to 10 for just the sequencer board). So that implies the processor will come in somewhere around 10k cps, though I wouldn't be surprised at 5k cps cuz of longer circuit traces.

As of June 4, 2023, the memory address register board is complete, adding 48 tubes. The whole thing clocks at 25.5k cps.

There are going to be a total of five tubulated boards, the sequencer (completed), the MA register (completed), the PC register, the AC/Link register, and the ALU (next up). There are also the backplane board and transistorized front panel board as shown below.

UPDATE as of November 12, 2023: THE WHOLE THING WORKS! See bottom of page.

More design details

YouTube construction videos

Here is a video of just the sequencer and front panel running slowly (~5 cps) to see the lights blinking. The laptop is showing the RasPI output displaying the states. The FETCH-DEFER-EXEC-INTAK LEDs are stepping through the various states as the RasPI clocks the processor and sends it random opcodes. The top three bits of the instruction are shown in the IR LEDs. The RasPI checks the GPIO pins at the end of each cycle to make sure they are what they should be, as the RasPI knows what state the processor should be in for every cycle.

sequencer board - 80 tubes - the crystal rectifiers are on the back
sequencer board crystal rectifiers (and fan pointed at the tubes!)
front panel - the whole thing is tipped on its side. RasPI is in bottom center of pic mounted to front panel board.
8-tube board - the 80 tubes on the sequencer board are really 10 of these boards, all identical, each containing 16 generic inverters. They plug into the back of the large crystal rectifier board which gives them their individual personality. 32 more of these boards will have to be constructed, and plugged into the crystal rectifier boards, to complete the PDP-8/V.
Each 8-tube board requires +120V@45mA, -96V@35mA, +5V@10mA, 48V@400mA (8 6V filaments wired in series).
The allocation of the 8-tube boards to the crystal rectifier boards are:
  • ACL (accum/link) - 8 x 8-tube boards
  • ALU (arith/logic) - 9 x 8-tube boards
  • MA (mem address) - 6 x 8-tube boards
  • PC (prog counter) - 8 x 8-tube boards
  • SEQ (state machine) - 10 x 8-tube boards
the SEQ board with one of the 8-tube boards removed

When all said and done, I estimate it will use about a kilowatt of power total, about the same amount as a small space heater.

Here is another video, this one shows the processor running at 28k cps. Again, the RasPI verifies the GPIO pins at the end of each cycle to make sure it is working correctly. If I speed it up to 30k cps, the RasPI is quick to catch the errors.

Early on, there were the:

You may also be interested in the Hode retro-computing project.

8-tube board section
each 8-tube board contains 16 of these
KiCad project
Making an and-or-invert gate with crystal rectifiers and an 8-tube board section
The internal wiring of the parts is contained in
D-flipflop from 6 NAND gates (diagram from Wikipedia)
  • whenever Clock is low, B and C are high regardless of Data input, leaving E/F SR-FF output steady
  • Data being low for setup time lets it soak into A making A high, then that soaks into D making D low (cuz C is being held high by the low Clock)
  • then when Clock goes high, A is high, D is low, B goes low, driving E high and F low
  • D stays low, C stays high
  • if Data goes high (after being low for hold time after Clock) with Clock still high, B is still low, so A stays high, so nothing changes
  • Data being high for setup time lets it soak into A making A low (cuz B is held high by the low clock), then that soaks into D making D high
  • then when Clock goes high, B stays high (cuz A is low), C goes low (cuz D is high), driving F high and E low
  • if Data goes low (after being high for hold time after Clock) with Clock still high, A goes high, B and D stay high cuz C is still low, so nothing changes
  • Setup time would be however long it takes for the A B C D gates to stabilize after a Data change with Clock staying low. So Data has to soak (1) all the way through A, (2) into B's input and all the way through D, (3) into C's input.
  • Hold time would be however long it takes for the A B C D gates to block changes in Data after Clock goes high. So Clock has to soak (1) all the way through B or C, (2) B soaks into A's input or C soaks into B's and D's input.
Best I can tell is the design came from TI's 7474 datasheet, may have existed prior to that.

The wiring of the A,B,C,D,E,F gates of the DFFs used in the PDP-8/V is contained in , look for function setInputs()


RasPI.MemRead = 1
FETCH2 IR ← RasPI.Data
MA ← ALU = PC,RasPI.Data
PC ← PC + 1
RasPI.MemRead = 1
RasPI.MemWrite = auto-increment ? 1 : 0
DEFER3 MA ← RasPI.Data,ALU = MA plus 1 EXEC1
RasPI.MemRead = 1
RasPI.DFrame = IR[indir]
RasPI.MemRead = 1
RasPI.DFrame = IR[indir]
EXEC3/TAD Link,AC ← ALU = Link,AC plus MA FETCH1 or INTAK1
RasPI.MemRead = 1
RasPI.MemWrite = 1
RasPI.DFrame = IR[indir]
EXEC3/ISZ RasPI.Data,ALU = MA plus 1
PC ← PC + carry
RasPI.MemWrite = 1
RasPI.DFrame = IR[indir]
AC ← 0
RasPI.MemWrite = 1
RasPI.Jump = 1
EXEC3/JMS PC ← RasPI.Data,ALU = MA plus 1
RasPI.MemRead = RasPI.IntReq ? 0 : 1
RasPI.MemRead = RasPI.IntReq ? 0 : 1
RasPI.Jump = 1
RasPI.Link = Link
RasPI.IOInst = 1
Link ← RasPI.Link
PC ← PC + RasPI.IOSkip
EXEC1/Group1 AC ← ALU = AC modified by instruction FETCH1 or INTAK1
EXEC1/Group2 PC ← RasPI.Data,ALU = PC + skip ? 1 : 0
RasPI.MemRead = RasPI.IntReq ? 0 : 1
if CLA, AC ← 0
INTAK1 RasPI.IntAck = 1
MA ← RasPI.Data,ALU = 0
RasPI.MemWrite = 1
IR ← JMS 0

GPIO BUS - The GPIO Bus connects the processor to the Raspberry PI via the RasPI GPIO connector. Direction is from perspective of RasPI.

CLOCK Out clock from RasPI, rising edge marks beginning of new cycle
DENA Out asserted: DATA/LINK is an input (tubes ⇨ RasPI)
IOS Out processor should skip next instruction (valid in EXEC2/IOT only)
IRQ Out RasPI is requesting an interrupt (synchronized with falling edge of clock)
QENA Out asserted: DATA/LINK is an output (RasPI ⇨ tubes)
RESET Out asynchronous reset from RasPI, asserted resets processor to FETCH1 state with PC = 0
DATA Bi bi-directional 12-bit data bus
LINK Bi bi-directional link-bit bus (IO instructions only)
DFRM In the memory address given is in the current DATA frame
IAK In acknowledge interrupt (RasPI should negate interrupt request IRQ)
IOIN In IO instruction being executed (including Group 2 with HLT and/or OSR, and Group 3) (asserted during EXEC1 only)
JUMP In jump (JMP/JMS) instruction being executed (asserted during EXEC1 only)
READ In perform a memory read operation (memory address this cycle, data next cycle)
WRITE In perform a memory write operation (memory address this cycle, data next cycle)

    Block diagram:

            ma  --------------------<-------------------------------------<-------+
            mq          ac  --------<-------------------------------------<---+   |
            pc          +1                                                    |   |
            -1          -1                                                    |   |
             0           0                                                    |   |
        +---------------------+                                               |   |
        |    A           B    |                                               |   |
        |         ALU         |                                               |   |
        |          Q          |                                               |   |
        +---------------------+                                               |   |
                   |                                                          |   |
                   +---------------->------ rotator -------   AC,LINK  --->---+   |
                   |                                                              |
                   +---------------->----------------------   MA       --->-------+
                   |                                                              |
                   +---------------->----------------------   PC       --->-------+
                   |                                                              |
                   +---------------->----------------------   RasPI    --->-------+--->---  IR/SEQ

ALU functions:

Backplane signals:

          • output by ACL (accumulator,link) board
  ACQ<11:00> accumulator contents
  ACQZERO accumulator contents is zero
  GRPB_SKIP assuming doing group 2 arithmetic, it would skip
_LNQ,LNQ link regiser contents
          • output by ALU (arithmetic logic unit) board
_ALUCOUT carry output from ALU
_ALUQ<11:00> ALU output
_NEWLINK new link register contents
          • output by MA (memory address register) board
MA register contents
          • output by PC (program counter register) board
  PCQ<11:00> PC register contents
          • output by RPI (raspberry pi) board
  CLOK2 clock
  INTRQ raspberry pi simulated IO device is requesting interrupt
  IOSKP the IO instruction wants to skip the next instruction
  MQL new link register contents from raspberry pi IO instruction
  MQ<11:00> raspberry pi memory location contents or accum value for IO instruction
  RESET reset the processor
          • output by SEQ (sequencer) board
_AC_ALUQ load AC from ALU output at end of cycle
_AC_SC load AC with zeroes at end of cycle
_ALUA_M1 select 7777 for ALU A operand
_ALUA_MA select MA register for ALU A operand
  ALUA_MQ0600 select MQ<06:00> for ALU A<06:00> operand
  ALUA_MQ1107 select MQ<11:07> for ALU A<11:07> operand
  ALUA_PC0600 select PC<06:00> for ALU A<06:00> operand
  ALUA_PC1107 select PC<11:07> for ALU A<11:07> operand
  ALUB_1 select 0001 for ALU B operand
_ALUB_AC select AC for ALU B operand
_ALUB_M1 select 7777 for ALU B operand
_DFRM memory operation being performed is in DFRAME
_GRPA1Q in EXEC 1 state for group 1 arithmetic instruction
  INC_AXB ALU performs (A ^ B) + 1
_INTAK interrupt is being acknowledged
  IOINST performing an IO instruction
  IOT2Q in EXEC2 state for an IO instruction
  IRQ<11:09> top 3 bits of instruction register
_JUMP doing a JUMP (JMP,JMS) instruction
_LN_WRT write link register at end of cycle
_MA_ALUQ load MA register from ALU output at end of cycle
_MREAD perform memory read cycle
_MWRITE perform memory write cycle
_PC_ALUQ load PC register from ALU output at end of cycle
_PC_INC increment PC register at end of cycle
  TAD3Q in EXEC3 state for a TAD instruction
  FETCH{1,2}Q in the given FETCH state (for front panel LEDs)
  DEFER{1,2,3}Q in the given DEFER state (for front panel LEDs)
  EXEC{1,2,3}Q in the given EXEC state (for front panel LEDs)
  INTAK1Q in the INTAK state (for front panel LEDs)


More design details

Update as of May 28, 2023

front panel standing up
video standing up
+120V power supply with 80 tubes plugged in
other power supplies with 80 tubes plugged in
the filament power supply is on the left with the big capacitor on a piggy-back circuit board to soft-start the filaments

Update as of June 4, 2023

sequencer and memory address boards
total of 80 + 48 = 128 tubes!
video of MA register countdown test program
power supplies with sequencer and memory address boards
the -96V supply shows 96.06V 536mA 51.48W (from above pic)
running test program at 25+k cps
short video

Update as of June 7, 2023 - ALU board ordered

Update as of June 20, 2023 - Well, the whole thing ran with the ALU board for about 10 minutes (at 16k cps)! Then things started going nuts, so the honeymoon is over!

I'm going to make some paddles for unit testing the boards, similar to the Hode paddles . The chips can only handle -0.5V to +5.5V so the new paddles will need Schottkys for clamping. The big tube boards have 4 32-pin single-row connectors so the new paddles will have to be designed for all that. They can plug into the USB ports of a RasPI or a Linux PC that will run test programs to find problems.

Anyway, the 16k cps is encouraging as there are only a couple more layers of logic around the longest path (27 vs 25). So theoretically, the final processor should run somewhere near that, hoping for 10k or better at this point.

Update as of July 4, 2023 - Stupid paddles , the IOWarriors have internal pullups and so load the tubes down too much. So I have designed new paddles with 2N7000 buffers, hopefully they will work. That's about $200 down the twaletty.

Update as of July 18, 2023 - Got the new paddles working and testing the ALU board. The paddles are very slow but what the heck they run. I have some new IOWarrior-100 chips on order hopefully will speed it up.

tube side of ALU board with new paddles crystal rectifier side of ALU board with new paddles
short video running test program

The test program shown in the video simulates all the boards and provides inputs required to the ALU board via the paddles (highlighted in blue on the screen). At the end of each cycle, the test program reads all the outputs from the ALU board (highlighted in red) via the paddles and checks to make sure they are correct. It generates random instructions for the simulator to generate the test cases. I also have a test program that directly generates random numbers to feed to the ALU for testing. Both programs show the ALU is working.

There are a bunch of test clips you might notice on the tube side. Turns out a digitally keyed parts supplier sent me a bunch of 3.6V zener diodes when I had ordered 3.0V zeners. They were marked by the manufacturer as 3.0V (we looked at them under the microscope and they showed 3V0B), so it isn't the supplier's fault. Those clips go to a couple resistors to fudge the cathode bias down from 3.6V to 3.0V. At any rate, it seems to work equally well with 3.0V, 3.3V and 3.6V so I'm going to leave those zeners in unless they cause problems (the output voltages from the tubes would be a little higher with 3.6V for cathode bias instead of 3.0V). Measuring a heavily loaded point, the zero is well negative (-3V) coming out of the voltage divider with the cathode at 3.6V, so that's plenty good enough. I should do some more measurements (now that I have a couple hundred test cases) before building new boards to decide which zeners to use going forward.

Update as of August 20, 2023 - Have all constructed boards working with paddles, SEQ, MA, ALU, RPI.

GPIO is driven over WiFi so it occasionally pauses, and the fastest I can drive the paddles is around 30Hz. But that's good enough for testing at this point.

The last video shows the test program. Red stuff is output from the boards onto the busses such as ALUQ, MAQ. Blue stuff is signals being generated by the paddles, such as AC, PC cuz I don't have the AC and PC boards yet. Also at the bottom in blue are signals being output by the GPIO pins such as CLOCK, IRQ (interrupt request). The DATA line alternates red and blue because it is bi-directional for the data being sent between the RasPI and the tubes.

I have physically re-arranged things because I bought an infrared camera. It showed some of the resistors on the tube boards were running at 180..190°F and the max they are rated for is 160°F (70°C). Now I have a fan basically for each board and now the resistors run around 120°F max. So I'm going to have to re-think the backplane to make room for more cooling for the last two boards (PC and AC/Link).

Update as of October 27, 2023

For testing, the paddles (plugged into the backplane rear on right side) make up for the missing PC bits as well as validating all the outputs generated by the boards each cycle.

Video with RPI, SEQ, MA, ALU, ACL boards in place - total of 264 tubes so far.

At the end of the video is the test program.

Update as of October 28, 2023

Update as of November 12, 2023


All boards are put together and tested (at least for a couple hours). It clocks at 13+ kcps. It runs OS/8 using an emulated RK05.

Update as of February 11, 2024

Built a box to hold everything.

Later that afternoon: Plugged in the ACL (accumulator and link) board. Power use, including 2 fans, is 766 watts, power factor 0.96.

Update as of February 20, 2024

It seems happy running at 18 kcps with an asterisk. The cycles that involve an ADD are run slower than all the other cycles due to the many logic levels, even with carry look-ahead.

Update as of February 22, 2024

Front View Right View (with fans removed) Rear View
  • The PDP-8/V is running a random instruction test.
  • Frequency counter is in place indicating clock frequency (18071 cps).
  • Plexiglas is in top half showing one of the tube boards (sequencer).
  • Behind the sequencer board on top is the memory address register board.
  • On the bottom, behind the LED/RasPI board, half of the crystal rectifier side of the ALU board is visible from the front.
  • On the top are the sequencer and memory address register boards, power supplies
  • On the top between the MA board and the power supplies are the 4 test paddles that plug into the bus. They are mostly hidden, but there are 4 black USB cables visible that run down the right side, along the bottom toward the front and plug into the Raspberry PI. They are slow (as in 100 cps) so cannot be used during normal operation, but are used to drive and sense bus lines for testing. They can also be plugged into an individual board to unit test that board.
  • On the bottom are the ALU, accumulator/link, program counter boards
  • On the top are the power supplies:
    • two filament (48V each)
    • -96V high voltage
    • two filament (48V each)
    • +120V high voltage
    • +5V supply is all the way on the right, hidden behind the +120V high voltage supply
  • Midway is the AC power distribution panel (p.d.p.)
  • On the bottom is the program counter board

That's pretty much it for the construction of the PDP-8/V! It runs at 18 kcps, uses 1.75 kW and weighs 130 lbs.

I have access to an ASR-33 but its printer doesn't work all that well. It likes to sometimes print C instead of A and misses processing CR about half the time so needs work.

Update as of March 2, 2024

Here's a video of it running the Conway's Life for the PDP-8. I added an Hobbs meter at the top right. It shows 2.3 or so, but the computer probably has been run around 10 hours total to date.

Update as of March 3, 2024

Playing with the high voltages, the processor runs with the negative voltage from -78V to -96.6V, and the positive from +110V to +128V. I previously thought it was very sensitive to voltage, but turns out it can be varied quite a bit. So then I set the voltages to mid-range, using -87.3V and +117.2V. The processor is now happy running at 25 kcps, a 38% improvement over the previous 18 kcps! And it's more eco-friendly, 1.71 kW, down from 1.75 kW. Hobbs 5.1.

Update as of March 8, 2024

The Zynq FPGA simulator would not run one of my tests, the one that tests the ACL (accumulator/link) board in isolation (autoboardtest -zynqlib -verbose acl). So digging into it with the Zynq's built-in logic analyzer, I saw that I was giving the LINK flipflop a very wimpy clock pulse, basically just a glitch. So I decided to fix the circuit to give it a full size clock pulse like (presumably) everything else. Fortunately it was a fairly simple patch that I could apply to the existing circuit board. But first, the circuit board had to be taken out of the box. So I tipped it over on its side (yes the box was designed to do that):

Now I was hoping that it would let me clock it faster, because the failures of running too fast have been that the LINK would get messed up. I had chalked it up to just the carry from doing a TAD not propagating fast enough, though sometimes it would fail from doing a rotate as well. Well at least I figured out why, it was the clocking that was messed up, not the carry as such. Anyway, it doesn't seem to be able to run much faster with the patch (couple 100 cps or so), but it was worth the work to track it down and fix it. Here it is chugging along at just over 25 kcps:

Full Res Pic at 10.0 Hobbs